Thursday, April 04, 2013


I truly fear for a world so glued to an electronic box for entertainment. We even try to constantly improve this box full of filtered and bias opinions, fake reality, and fantasies that help us grow further away from true love, true adventure, and everything outside the walls that “protect” us. We sit, locked in our private caves. Bitching about the loss of our freedoms and yet we very seldom exercise those exact freedoms we fight for.

It is constantly teaching us to except ourselves for what we are and tune in later to learn how to better ourselves. But let’s face it; it is just a slow poison chipping away at our health and souls. We should be out bettering ourselves and not using up the “I’m tired” or “it’s been a long day” excuses. You can sit around and wait for things to get better and they never will. They don’t, not if you’re sitting around, you just unknowingly lower your standard, your level of tolerance and acceptable pains.

We also have become a community of blamers. It is always someone else’s fault that things in your life have turned out bad. This friends is a load of crap. You are standing right where you put yourself. I don’t care what some guy or girl did to you. How you accepted it and moved on is and was your decision. But when it turns out to be a bad decision we blame the person that gave us the reason for the decision and not the decision maker. Accept it was bad and move on.

All of this rant comes from and attempted discussion the other night about something on the news. As I tried to discuss it, I was told to shut up because it was horrible what happened and we didn’t need to talk about it. I sat, shocked, we don’t need to talk about it? I think the stick your head in the sand approach is appalling. If you cannot discuss such things and do not speak about the bad things then what are we to expect when we become face to face with it? How do we protect ourselves from it? Hiding from the things that scare us does nothing but make us more frightened and powerless.

I sometimes feel I am the only one seeing all of this. Can I change it? I don’t know? Can I try? You’re damn right I can