Thursday, August 29, 2013


We stand in our pride and self proclaimed integrity
a world built by us to suit us.
Never questioning where we came from or where we are going.
Fighting to be separate from the whole
but needing the whole to approve and praise
answering questions with speculations and fabricated truths
dividing, splitting, and battling
which way do you fall after the schism
pushing belief so hard on others
hoping we too will believe one day
in the end we return from where we came
back to the very thing we tried to split from

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What do we pass on

 What are we passing on? Have you thought about it? What have you passed on to your children, your family, and friends? Have you passed your impulsive desire for new technology to your children? Have you taught them how to complain or maybe just teach them to live in their world and try to ignore the crazy stuff that goes on around them? Maybe drugs, have you taught them how a busy day or week deserves some drugs or a few drinks to relax? Looking forward to lunch and dinner as a break? Eating for relaxation or reward?

 Teaching them how to be racist, sexist, or judgmental is a popular thing as well. Pointing out short comings of others to make us feel better is something everyone needs to learn. Be sure to teach them how to complain about something but do nothing to change it because it is not your fault or problem.

 These seem to be popular things that people are learning and doing today but the real fear is what will it evolve to? Blaming others and doing nothing has already started evolving right before our eyes. We have given up so many freedoms to our government in hopes that they will take care of us, something we should have been doing all along. But that is another story/ argument in itself.

 I started thinking about my kids this morning and wondering, if there was just one thing I could get across to them what would it be? If I teach them nothing but this one thing what would it be? To love unconditionally, to live each day as it was their last, to look both ways before crossing the street, Or don’t step on legos. I cannot find an answer. Not really, because there is so much they need to know. So many things not taught in schools. Let’s face it, Schools basically teach crap. Half the stuff we are sticking in their brains does will not help them in life and yet we keep shoveling it in. Let’s teach them how to learn, to communicate, so think. Yes THINK we are not teaching them to think anymore.

 Sorry I seem to have gotten off track again, the one thing…. What would it be?
I think it would be to just live. Nothing lasts forever, not love, money, looks, cars, pets, or anything. Nothing lasts forever. So just live, enjoy them, immerse yourself in the moment and feel the emotions, then move on; live like the waves of the ocean. If someone or something strikes a blow at you, just move, then fill in the spaces, but never, never stop pushing forward.
