Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Getting back to normal

  I guess everything is getting back to normal. Crazy, hectic, and fun. That is normal for us. I just got through posting on the Birmingham academy of martial arts Blog and updating Facebook and I am beat. Well I guess the 3 mile run before I started posting had something to do with that.
 We have belt test coming up at the end of the month and as usual, I am nervous. It's really weird, I know my forms really well, but seem to screw them up during a test. I really wonder how i will ever pass a black belt test but that is my short term goal so I keep pushing forward. I guess we all have things we can do really good then screw up when people are watching. I know it's a normal feeling everyone has but it really doesn't help make me feel any better when I am out there doing it!
 I see all the commercials gearing up for Valentines day. Trying to sell me crap I don't really need so i can prove I love my lady. Are people still falling for this? Shouldn't we be showing the ones we love how much we love them more that just once a year? I guess you ladies like receiving gifts but you have birthdays and Christmas as well as some of you have anniversaries and Mothers day. Do I really have to constantly buy you crap for you to know I love you? Don't get me wrong, I buy my lady gifts. I do it randomly throughout the year. A card here and there, some flowers, and maybe even a night out on the town. But I see love as something a heck of a lot deeper that the superficial things some people want. I think to many people place love and success on a material level. I feel sorry for them. Once you reach that point you to busy concentrating on the value of the item and never see the love that brought it.
 Well I guess thats enough babbling for me tonight. I hope we can plan another social gathering soon. It has been so great hooking up with old friends on Facebook and hanging out every now and then. It's been what? 3 - 4 months since the last one?
 Well hope everyone has a great week, Keep smiling and keep pushing forward!

1 comment:

Tonya said...

Love your blog!