Saturday, December 29, 2012

Between the Thoughts

Feeling the open in me
Feeling the shadows move
wanting the inside out
I tear open the wounds

dancing to the rhythm of
that which always moves
I'm dancing with the power
and deepening the wounds

I lose myself between the thoughts
of what is and is not there
I slide across the words of others
as feel how much they care

In this place I see tomorrow
and feel the warmth of it all
I know what is unknown
and hear the mothers call

I take in all that is mine to take
and leave the rest for other days
I bring out comforts that I need
and slip quietly away,

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Deep inside

Deep inside spiraling down
past the Ego and self indulgent lies
beyond what we learn, down to what we know.
Born from the fabric of life
we sever the ties
and try to stand

control the waves and harness the wind
the world is our illusion
never to dance and flow with the tide
the sand is glass and the coal is fuel
the trees but meaningless paper.

We are but a piece that refuses the whole.
We are the sand, the coal, the tree, and the wind
Moving to a dance unknown to us
with all that lives.
There is only this moment and no other

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Time to cry

It isn't long before clouds are blown away
by word of mouth the truth is battered into shape.
And as the sun shines down we finally set the blame
and the simple truth is hidden far away with shame.

Never hold the breeze and never stop the rain
Never love for reasons or find solace in the pain
Never win the battle just because you can
and never hold on high that with caused the stain

I haven't felt the warm wind of compassion for some time
or heard the ocean sing it's never ending rhyme
I haven't stepped into the blessing given me
left to what is expected not what should be.

Never test the Angels to see if they can fly
Never bow to follow anything that dies
Never love the shadows no matter how they try
and never let the people tell you there is no time to cry.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I sit and watch the flames dance
 as the cool wind touches my face.
I see, I know, I feel the holiest of feeling.
I die, to live, to be alive in this moment

I sit and listen the birds sing
 as the cat stalks it's happy prey
I fear, I crave, I hide from this moment.
I reach, to feel, death that feeds life.

I close my eyes and see the darkness
 as the silence deafens me.
I drift, I fall, I pine away in this moment.
I hate, to love, that which feeds me.

I sit and die away
 as I live forever
I Learn, I forget, I come full circle.
I live, to live, to love.

Friday, September 28, 2012



The Sun came up today in it's vain attempt to burn away the shadows.

I feel it’s warmth on my face, slowly chipping away at the cold inside.

Scars from the past too deep to heal serve as a reminder of the hard times we pass through.

Souvenirs for a place we didn’t want to go.

One smile, small, honest, and true, shines innocence on the guilty.

Offering unconditional forgiveness and love.

Making the sun’s light seem cool and the scars so hard to see.

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Tucked away.

There are no words to describe what I see.
 beauty and elegance only just scratch the surface.
Deep inside the words hide from me,
 I can only stare into your eyes and hope you can see it in mine.

Tomorrow is not something we can safely plan for,
 truth is there are no promises for such things.
I will promise that until my dieing breath
 until I am returned to that which I came from.
I shall never stop feeling this way.

As a rose grows towords the warmth and light of the sun,
 I too shall always seek the warm embrace of your heart.
The comfort of your arms and the peace in your soul.
 And when my time does come and I leave this place.
 I will find my home, safely tucked away in your heart.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Roots in the dieing world

A simple chapter in a world gone mad.
live, love, and die
Angels watch as the fires burn away the underbrush
leaving behind the smoldering remains of what once was.
No great phoenix shall rise today.
No man shall step forward for fear of the untamed fires.
This is the truth, this is the vision of a conscience left to die.
The screams of agony makes us wonder if we have reached the gates of hell.
are the hounds on our heels and yet our own vanity keep us from seeing.
How did we get to this, what has burnt this world so that nothing remains?
Not greed, hate, nor vanity. Not any skewed trait we possess.
But more so from the lack of traits long forgotten.
We forgot the heart, love and compassion. Neglected the child and followed the beast.
It's vain promises of protecting and caring for family and the children.
Yes the children that is where we lost it.
Relying on the beast to nurture and educate but only leaving them dependant.
So here we stand, burnt, scorned, and left to die.
And yet as our vanity destroyed us so shall the evil die out.
Reveling in it's own power and laughing at the weak shell it has left us in.
In it's great celebration it fails to hear.
The one faint heartbeat that beats pure and true.
As it looks out across the embers it sees not death and detruction.
No, it sees warmth and a chance for a new growth.
Never wondering, never guessing. Only being what it knows to be.
The one faint heartbeat grows and love finds root in the dieing world.


Friday, June 22, 2012


I feel the pull of the memory, Drawing me in, feeding me, teasing me.
leaving me to sort the feelings as they fall on the floor in no certain order.
piecing together the moment on a clock so long ago.
The beauty of a soul that most would over look. Most would prejudge and scorn.
Pushing this person to a point in which I lost her.
The smile, the touch, the sweet voice of an angel displaced.
Sing me a song I say, the words softly fall from her lips like petals of a rose landing so gently on my heart.
"There is magic all around you if I do say so myself" Simple lyrics that spoke the truth in her heart. I tried to join in the song but she stopped me. This was her moment. This was her heart that she was giving me. Wanting nothing in return other than to let me know what was in this misguided angels soul.
And the moment passed and here I am with the scattered memories, knowing she is gone. A victim of bad decisions and a poorly dealt hand in life. But I place the pieces back together and see now what I over looked so long ago.
Two souls can connect, intertwine, and form a friendship that without words, without actions, without touch. Will bind to the heart and leave an everlasting impression.

vaya con dios

Friday, March 02, 2012

What I am

I can write about love and hope, fear and death.
I can wite about the past or what is to come.
I can see and understand the collective energies.
I can seperate the lies and fable from the truth.
 these are thing I can accomplish without effort.

I can feel the despair in the abandoned.
I can share the sadness of a strangers loss.
I am the bringer of hope and second chances.
I am the healer of hearts and scars.
 these are things I can accomplish without effort.

I can teach the seeker of knowledge.
I can guide the lost to the path of living.
I can soothe the anger and replace it with love.
I can love without fear.
 and yet on this side of heaven I stand hollow and alone.

~Jason  03/12

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb. 20th

 Foolish writings of a simple mind. That is all these are. I have had a couple of people ask about my writings and at first I could not understand why. I do not feel I possess any talent to speak of. What could I offer that anyone would find interesting. So I put my feeble mind to the task of trying to figure out what it was. Why would anyone find interest in my random writings. I have a friend that writes stories about things that happen and his talent is amazing. He can really make words work for him. Showing us the emotion, humor, and spirit of his stories. Mine, mine are like scribbles on a bar napkin including the wet ring from the drink. I have a couple of poems around here written on that very thing.
 The only thing I can think of is the fact that it is my soul. I usually write when I am extremely tired. Which studies show that writing when tired or under the influence are some of the best times to really let out what you feel. You are less worried about what people will think ans so you can be slightly more creative.
 So here it is. My Soul. Naked, exposed, and being what it is. I am not looking for approval or acceptance. I am not hoping you like what you see. I am only putting it out there and saying here it is. Love it, hate, or just want to be friends with it. I don't care. I try to stay outside the proverbial box as much as possible. That box can also be called the Ego from time to time. But if you read some of these writings, I want you to leave knowing your not alone. Some of the stupid things done in life are done by all of us in one way, shape. form, or fashion. We all have the same feelings and I think that even if you leave here thinking this is stupid and a waste of your time, you will still know, down in side that we all have these strange thoughts from time to time. And while we my not grant them the time to entertain them ourselves. It is nice to know we are not alone.

 Remember: A balanced life is not about getting things the way you want them. It's about excepting things the way they are.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Holy Crap!!

I mean Really, It's February already!? This is going to be another fast year. Brace yourselves and hold on. I say, Let's not make it an easy one. Nothing good ever came from taking things easy. Push the boundaries people have set for you. Break the mold of what people think of you. Step out of the box they put you in? Are these the thoughts that come to mind? Good thoughts but they need a little fixing.
 Try this:
 Push the boundaries you have allowed others to set for you.
Break the mold you created to please others.
Step out side of the box you put yourself in.
 Once you admit that YOU are the reason you are where you are you will begin to move forward, break out and Live. Everyone is in some kind of issue/ drama/ Problem. until we realize that WE control and make the changes we will never be able to live. Let go of what binds you. Step through your own shadow. Be the person you deserve to be.