Friday, July 02, 2010

Rant time!

 Thanks you to everyone that has told me they enjoy reading my posts. Now you may want to look away for the next one because I want to get something off my chest.
 As many of you know, I try to take care of myself. As with many Americans out there trying to stay healthy I have done research, including reading and experimenting with different foods to find the easiest and healthiest way to live. One thing I have found is that our food intake governs everything, EVERYTHING that happens to our body. This is not up for debate or discussion. This is fact.
 Now many of you may know that I am not a fan of medication or big pharmaceutical companies either. I'm not above taking needed medication but I am very careful as to what I take.
 I have mentioned all of this for a reason. I see where the government in now wanting food companies to reduce the sodium they put into food because sodium is linked to heart disease and health issues. Sounds good right? What this boils down to is the simple fact that now, someone will come up with an alternative to salt which, in about ten years we will find is linked to some other health disorder. It never ends.
 The problem is not salt, fat, carbs, caffeine, McDonalds, Fast food, chips, snack cakes or anything to do with the food industry. Are you ready for this.... The problem is..... YOU! Yes you. You know who I am talking to. Sitting you fat ass on the couch eating lowfat cookies and drinking a diet coke. YOU are the problem. You are the reason you are over weight, sick, tired, have acne, bad heart, restless leg syndrome (whatever the hell that is), high cholesterol, acid reflux, or what ever. The only thing you know about your health and anatomy if what you hear on the news or from the FDA. Please stop this insanity. Do some research yourself and stop holding everyone else responsible for what you do. That is the hard truth of it. If McDonalds is making you fat.... stop eating it. It is that simple. It can be difficult making the change to eating healthier and living better but it is worth it. You do not need a "diet" as so many places will sell you. You need knowledge, understanding, and the will to retrain your thought process. It takes time but in the end it's worth it. I used to be just like you eating crappy snacks, soda and candy. These are hollow, useless foods. But I retrained myself (my brain) to the point that now I crave fruits and healthier foods for snack and energy boosts.
 You can do this! If you need help ask someone who is doing it. If your standing around the snack machine at work killing a soda and little Debbie and talking with someone doing the same about health and work out tips, chances are your sources are biased and flawed. It's time we as Americans.... as Human beings started showing our God given intelligence and start making good decisions.


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