Saturday, August 21, 2010

Train your brain!

 OK so I have a pet peeve, kinda. There is a saying that drive me crazy and I have finally decided to share it. Someone I know made this comment a couple weeks ago and it has been eating at me to right this.
I will say this loud and clear so everyone can hear this.


 Did everyone hear that? Let it sink in, go ahead start thinking of your arguments and stories and I will shrug them off because to me this is the silliest thing.
 This concept really bothers me because I am what you would consider a positive thinker. I started my journey of positive thinking years ago when I realized that my brain believes what I feed it. If I keep saying things are bad, hard and suck. Then they will. The saying above it proof I am right. If something bad happens to you and you say "well bad things happen in three's" then you will consciously and subconsciously start looking for two more bad things and you will find them. When you do you will stop looking for bad things and not really see any more.
 Now imagine this concept in reverse. Something bad happens to you and you start thinking "Bad things always have an up side". You will tell your mind to focus on the positive, happy things in your life. This can help you really grow and advance in so many ways. You will be open to good news, opportunity, and happiness.
 Here is something to think about. We tend to think our brain is this mysterious thing and our thoughts can be controlled. This is just not true. You can control your thoughts. It may take some practice but it can be done.
 In studying Karate and the forms involved I have learned that muscle memory is a powerful thing. If I over think when doing my forms, I will mess up even the most basic of moves. If I clear my mind and let my body do what I have trained it to without thought, I will do the forms a lot better.
 Your brain is a muscle. Teach it to be open and receptive to good things. Teach it to be happy. After a while it will be second nature. You will be full of happiness and life. You will smile and react to smiles.

Need some help getting started. OK I will help. Free of charge. When someone asks how you are doing, say great, fantastic, wonderful, awesome, or any other word that reflects happy, positive thoughts. Do this every time you are asked how you are doing. Even on the days you feel like crap and hate the world. If you do this enough you will improve your attitude and outlook. You will train your mind to be happy. You will inspire others to be happier and have a better outlook.
 The world can be a miserable place if you keep looking for misery. But it can be an awesome place it you seek and inspire happiness.


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